OMF joins the Long COVID Alliance
to accelerate research for post-infectious illness

Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is pleased to announce that we have joined 49 new partners in the fight to return millions of Americans to health.
The Long COVID Alliance is a network of patient advocates, scientists, disease and public health experts, along with drug developers. We have joined together to leverage our collective knowledge and resources to educate policy makers and accelerate research of post-infectious illness.
The goal of the Alliance is to transform the current understanding of Long COVID and related post-infectious illnesses such as ME/CFS. OMF has already begun a large-scale study of Long COVID transitioning to ME/CFS, supported by private donors.
To learn more about the Long COVID Alliance, visit www.LongCOVIDAlliance.org. We will continue to share more updates and verified information as they are available.
Dr. Rosa Maria Pari Ñaña featured on a new episode of ME/CFS Alert!
Dr. Rosa Maria Pari Ñaña, a brilliant young physician from Peru who is researching ME/CFS at the Harvard Affiliated Hospitals, has been interviewed on a new episode of ME/CFS Alert with Llewellyn King!
In case you missed it, Dr. Pari Ñaña’s work was previously highlighted by OMF as one of two young researchers assisting with the OMF funded Harvard ME/CFS collaboration that was awarded a prestigious grant for ME/CFS research by the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program.
In the newest episode of ME/CFS Alert, she discusses how she has become involved in the field of ME/CFS research, her belief that a cure will be found, and more.
Thank you to Llewellyn King and Dr. Rosa Maria Pari Ñaña for making this inspiring interview available to the community!
New ME/CFS Patient Toolkit from the CDC
The Center for Disease Control has just published a new Patient Toolkit for people with ME/CFS!
The toolkit provides handouts and educational resources to help people with ME/CFS, their family members, and their caregivers manage and prepare for visits with their healthcare provider.
We hope this toolkit and the information available on the ME/CFS Clinician Coalition website will help people with ME/CFS confidently navigate their care.
Fundraise for OMF on Twitch!
Streamlabs Charity is a new platform that simplifies the process of live streaming for a charity via Twitch, Youtube, or Facebook.
How to start your first live stream fundraiser for OMF on Twitch, using Streamlabs Charity:
- Follow this link
- Create your account with Streamlabs Charity. (You can also sign up with your Facebook, Twitch, or Youtube account.)
- Next, customize your fundraiser campaign for OMF: Here you can write a description, set your fundraising dates, and donation goal amount
- Once your campaign is published, you can now set up stream alerts for your charity donations. You can also get a donation goal bar as a stream overlay that shows the progress you’ve made towards your fundraising goal!
For more information, watch this easy step-by-step video tutorial on how to start a charity live stream using Streamlabs.
Are you a Twitch user? Please let us know how we can help you maximize this powerful fundraising tool by reaching out at info@omf.ngo. Thank you for all the creative ways in which you help us to advance our mission to end ME/CFS!
Have an upcoming birthday?

If you have a birthday or other special occasion coming up, please consider creating a fundraiser for OMF in honor of your special day. Check out our digital fundraising toolkit for everything you need to set up your fundraiser on Facebook, CrowdChange or Twitch in as little as 60 seconds!
OMF Community Spotlight:
A friend and ally’s race for the cure

“Amy inspires me with her resilience and gratitude for the good days. If she can find positivity while living with ME/CFS, then it’s not a huge task for me to run this race in October 2021.”Despite it all, Amy and Lucie both remain hopeful. “OMF is my number one source of hope,” Amy says. “Hearing the results from various OMF funded studies gives me hope that a treatment or cure may be found. It also makes many ME sufferers feel as if someone is on our team! Having someone fighting for our health is so valuable when we don’t have the energy to do it for ourselves.” Fortunately, Lucie is on Amy’s team. A wonderful advocate for people with ME/CFS, Lucie is determined to help fundraise for a cure. “Amy inspires me with her resilience and gratitude for the good days” Lucie says. “If she can find positivity while living with ME/CFS, then it’s not a huge task for me to run this race in October 2021.”
If you are able, please consider contributing to our effort to
uncover research-based answers.
Help us improve the quality of life for all sufferers of ME/CFS and other
chronic complex diseases, such as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome
and Fibromyalgia.